Vice Chancellor IV: Students Play an Important Role in City Development

As a young generation growing up in the digital era, students have an important role to build a better urban order in the future. This was conveyed by the Deputy Chancellor IV of Muhammadiyah University Dr. Septa Candra, S.H., M.H., while attending a Ramadan Hangout Fun talk show with Ustad D2 with the theme Students and College Students as the Power of the City, at Teras Tangsel, Friday (07/04/2023).

“To build a city, the State needs the involvement of all elements, especially students and students. Because they are the next generation who will become leaders and drivers of urban development in the future.” Septa said.

Furthermore, Septa explained that debriefing must be carried out by students and students from an early age, including by implementing positive activities in each of their movements. Because if you don’t get adequate supplies, the opposite will happen. As agents of change , students must be actively involved with qualified knowledge to carry out the mandate.

The Fun Hanging Out event in the Month of Ramadan also presents Ustad Dadang or who is familiarly called Ustad D2. Presence of St. D2 as the presenter continues to provide new perspectives regarding the role of students and students from a religious perspective. Not only that, this activity which is open to the public also presents Indonesian comedian as a guest star . (MT/KSU).

Editor : Tria Pattianti

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