PKKP FISIP UMJ Will Recommend CSR Regulations

Mapping Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulations in Indonesia is currently considered not yet comprehensive. The absence of a monitoring system from the Government has resulted in various patterns of CSR implementation in companies. PKKP is aware of this condition and is committed to providing contributions in the form of recommendations to the government to create appropriate regulations.

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To facilitate mapping of CSR patterns in Indonesia, the UMJ Center for Public Policy Studies (PKKP UMJ) invited BUMN and Spectrum CSR Consultants to take part in a CSR Policy Discussion in State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which was held in the FISIP UMJ meeting room, Wednesday (1/11/ 2023).

This discussion highlights issues in CSR, especially in BUMN that operates in the mining or commodity export sectors. This BUMN is considered to need to consider environmental and sustainable aspects in its operations, especially because investors are increasingly concerned with these issues.

The discussion also discussed that students, as agents of social change, have an important role in CSR projects which not only benefit companies but also serve as a forum for students to develop themselves. However, companies must ensure that students have sufficient access to carry out their duties. In this case, PKKP will later involve UMJ students to provide assistance to the community.

It was also discussed about CSR policies in BUMN which have several challenges. One of the challenges is that CSR must be interpreted as managing social impacts, starting from identifying possibilities arising from business processes and maintaining social support from stakeholders . Therefore, companies need universities to become CSR facilitators.

Chairman of the UMJ PKKP, Dr. Rahmat Salam, M.Sc., said that this meeting was very important for PKKP UMJ in its efforts to make a real contribution to society through collaboration with other stakeholders, starting from research, program implementation, as well as community empowerment.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Master of Administrative Sciences Study Program and the PKKP development team, Dr. Izzatusolikhah, M.Sc., hopes that through the collaboration carried out by PKKP with various partners, it can contribute ideas which can later become recommendations to the local government to make appropriate regulations.

Also present in this discussion were Tulus Pranowo, Spectrum Director Sayed Zakaria, Chairman of the CSR Foundation Johan Komaluddin, and the entire PKKP Team.

Editor: Tria Patrianti

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